Sunday, September 27, 2009

Human Crimes Against Wildlife (Inhumanity) 4

Hello again,

I don't think it's any suprise as to what these blogs are about anymore. Having written the past three blogs of this series, I am now 100% sure that there is nothing a human won't do to harm something or someone else. However, in my recent work with the Ursa Freedom Project and Animals Asia, I am also 100% sure that there is nothing we animal-loving conservationist won't do to protect our animals and this planet.

It is shocking to me how many people despise us, calling us Eco-Terrorists. Peoples' response to PETA and HSUS, especially, is a complete shocker to me. People act as though these groups are the devil. This whole theory that PETA and HSUS kill more animals than they save is complete and utter bogus. Unfortunately, any humane society- any animal welfare group is faced with death. Animals who don't get adopted are euthanized... this is fact. It sucks, but it's true. This is the truth for many organizations. Even Animals Asia is faced with death in their line of work. Every bear they rescue from bile farms are put through a life-saving operation that could both save their lives and take it. Many bears cannot survive this operation, but this operation does save more lives than it takes. It is crazy to me how many people judge these organizations.

Having said all of this, I'm going to move on to the real purpose of this blog. This blog will cover Circuses and Cock Fighting.

So, here we go...


10. Circuses - yet another global problem, Circuses are absolutely disgusting displays of cruelty. Caged animal psychosis, abuse, neglect, humiliation, exposure to elements while traveling and over winter, insufficient housing, activity, and socialization, and basically, the lack of meaningful lives.

These circus acts are not what people think they are. They are not these amazing acts of animals doing cool tricks. These tricks are not enjoyable for the animals and they can barely comprehend them. The people who consider themselves "Trainers" are nothing more than abusive animal-beaters who routinely beat, shock, and whip captive animals to make them do rediculous things that have nothing to do with their natural behavior. The life of animals in circuses is one of violence and intimidation. These animals are incredibly intelligent and sensitive beings and the way they are treated is so inherently wrong that it is shocking to me that this practice still exists.

Apart from the violence, the circus also harms animals by depriving them of the little things they need to live happy lives. They are deprived of exercise and their ability to roam, socialize, forage, and play. Many circus animals have been observed portraying stereotypical behaviors such as swaying back and forth, head-bobbing, pacing, and bar-chewing. They will also self-mutulate due to the mental distress these animals are forced to deal with.

Personally, I find the circuses highly disturbing. Animals are not meant to ride motorcycles, balance on balls, or to walk tight ropes. These magnificent creatures are meant to be natural. Why do people go to zoos where the animals are put in as-close-to-natural habitats? So, they can see the animals being natural!!! Circuses are disgusting and the people who pay to see them are just as disgusting.

Animals are not ours for entertainment. They never will be. Sweden, Austria, Costa Rica, India, Finland, and Singapore have all banned the use of animals in entertainment.

Possibly the worst example of cruelty in the circus ring is the way elephants are treated. These gigantic, beautiful creatures don't deserve this. Trainers dominate elephants and make them perform circus tricks by sinking a bullhook, a sharp metal hook with a spiked end, into the elephant's sensitive skin. They wait to hear the poor elephant scream, so that they know they've got the elephant's attention. An elephant's skin is just as sensitive as human's skin and the bullhook bruises, punctures, and tears the elephant's skin very easily like a knife through butter. It is said that circuses will keep bads of topsoil handy to cover up bloody bullhook wounds on the poor elephants.

In 2006, Ringling was cited for causing trauma, behavioral stress, physical harm, and discomfort to two young elephants who sustained cuts and abrasions when they ran amok in an arena in Puerto Rico. Ringling has also been warned by the USDA for causing trauma and stress to two baby elephants who suffered painful rope lesions when they were prematurely pulled from their mother. Many of Ringling's elephants are infected with or exposed to a human strain of tuberculosis.

In nature, elephants do not stand on their heads. They don't walk trunk-to-tail, skip, crawl, or twirl. Especially, adult female elephants do not mount one another. Tigers do not hop on their hind legs and roll over in unison.

These animals are forced to endure filthy conditions and long and hot rides in poorly ventilated boxcars when the circus travels. Elephants are chained in filthy boxcars for an average of 26 hours and as long as 60-100 hours at a time.

In July 2004, a two-year-old lion named Clyde died from heatstroke while the circus train crossed the Mojave Desert. This poor lion was not even provided with water and was left completely dehydrated.

In May 2004, two Ringling horses were struck by a freight train as they were being unloaded from the circus train near Dayton, Ohio. One horse died instantly and the other was euthanized at the scene.

In August 1998, a 12-year-old wild-caught sea lion named Gypsy was found dead in her transport container in Illinois. In the wild, sea lions can live to be 20-years-old.

In January 1998, Ringling trainer, Graham Chipperfield, shot a Bengal tiger named Arnie five times while locked in his cage in retaliation for attacking Graham's brother during a photo shoot.

These are only four of the hundreds of deaths caused by circus life. There is absolutely no excuse for this. It is completely rediculous that the U.S. continues to allow this to occur. I hate it.

11. Cock-Fighting - this... unbelievable... unbearable act of cruelty is beyond me! This act has spread to the global level and despite the fact that it's illegal in the U.S., it is still running rampant through the United States. Isn't the U.S. allllll about freedom? How about the freedom of these birds? Third-world countries are the major source of cockfighting.

Roosters are forced to fight each other, sustaining horrible injuries and often, death. These birds fight for years, only to be killed when they are retired. In the fighting ring, the birds are forced to wear artificial spurs, long, sharp, and dagger-like, that transform the bird's natural spur into knive which can cause maximum damage. These steel blades are shard enough to puncture a lung, pierce an eye, or break bones.

These fights can last as long as 15 minutes. One bird must die for a winner to be declared... however... both will likely die due to the injuries they sustain.

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