The Fur-Free Campaign involves a five part plan:
- Fur-Free Consumers - using print, television, web advertising, lterature distribution by grassroots activists, web video, and other means to show consumers the side of fur that they don't hear about in fur salons or department stores.
- Fur-Free Fashion Industry - by sponsoring fur-free designers, sponsoring fashion design contests, and advertising in industry publications, they work to create a fashion world that celebrates animals and confronts cruelty.
- Banning Dog and Cat Fur - although production is centered in China and other parts of Asia, dog and cat fur is sold all over the world.
- Ending the Canadian Seal Hunt - in 2006, more than 330,000 seals, almost all of thembabies a young as 12 day old, were clubbed and shot to deathin Canada; HSUS is dedicated to ending this- the world's largest slaughter of marine mammals.
- Banning Cruel Traps - as the world's leading supplier of fur from trapped animls, the U.S. is responsible for causing many wild and domestic animals to suffer unimaginable paid and fear; the HSUS is working to protect wildlife and pets from cruel traps.
HSUS Pennsylvania State Director, Sarah Speed (717-440-5527)
This is an important campaign for the conservation of wildlife. Traps affect more than just game animals. They harm animals that the trappers don't necessarily intend to harm, from endangered species to your household cat or dog. Having threatened and vulnerable species even be at risk goes against conservation, sustainability and everything moral.

-certain species of Lynx are considered critically endangered, yet they are still trapped for the fur trade
-the Canada Lynx in this picture is supposed to be fully protected in the United States
-in the United States, the killing of a Lynx is considered a federal crime

-thousands of pets are "accidentally" trapped and killed yearly
-it could happen to your dog or your cat
-it could even happen to your horse or live stock

-leg-hold traps are strong enough to crush limbs, break bones, sever ligaments and tendons, and do tremendous harm to the animal
-animals, such as the bobcat, are known to chew their caught limb off in order to escape these trap
-they inevitably bleed to death and still are sold as fur
-or they starve and dehydrate before the trapper comes
-or, when the trapper arrive, they are clubbed over the head multiple times, bashed against the ground, or stomped to death
-in the worst cases, when they aren't properly killed, the animal is skinned alive while still alive and breathing
Trapping and hunting has been a proven cause of EXTINCTION! If trapping is banned, so many animals can be saved.
Animals Commonly Trapped (Both Intentional and Unintentional)-keep in mind, even animals that are not meant to be trapped and are just in the wrong place at the wrong time die painful and lonely deaths
- Beaver
- Coyote
- Raccoon
- Wolverine
- Mink
- Ermine
- Marten
- Bobcat
- Lynx
- Opossum
- Wolf
- Squirrel
- Rabbit/Hare
- Fox
- Desert Tortoise
- Dogs
- Cats
- Humans
- Horses
- Golden Eagle
- Cougar
- Florida Panther
- Bear
- Great-Horned Owl
- Bald Eagle
- Red-Tailed Hawk
- Moose
- Raptors
- Cooper's Hawk
- Snowy Owl
- Magpie
- Ducks
A Video On The Fur Trade And Trapping. WARNING!!!!!! Contains very graphic and incredibly disturbing footage. If you love Wolves, you may not wish to watch. There is a wolf that was skinned prior to death. I find it just as disturbing and frightening as you do. If you love Raccoons, you also may not wish to watch. If you cry, I did too... If you feel like you're going to vomit, I did too... But AGAIN!, this is reality and if you believe in fur, you won't after this. Let this video educate you and if you know fur wearers, spread it to them. The fewer people involved in the consumption of fur, the sooner it can die out and be banned. is a list of Fur-Free Clothing Designers to help you stay fur-free...
Trapping and the Fur Trade are the very definition of evil. Send letters to legislature, advocating a ban on trapping. Without trapping, the fur trade will die. Talk to your peers. Shed light on the truth. No matter how painful these videos are, show them! It happens and it needs to stop. Awareness can be the biggest preventative.
Thanks for reading and I apologize if anything was toooooo disturbing or graphic... it is not my intention to make you sad or feel sick. My intention is to make people aware of what trapping really is.
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